What We Do With Your Junk
Do you wonder where your items go when we leave?
1️.) We are dedicated to creating less waste and keeping unnecessary items out of landfills. Any items that can be donated we will drop off to places like Goodwill, Volunteers of America, NW Christian Thrift, Salvation Army, etc. This will help hopefully repurpose your items and give them a second life with someone else.
2.) Next we will recycle any items that can be recycled to help reduce the negative impact on our environment. Recycling helps conserve natural resources such as timber, water and minerals. By reusing things like paper, plastic, glass, and metal we reduce the need for raw materials, which helps preserve natural habitats and ecosystems.
3.) We make sure to properly dispose of anything left to help keep our streets clean! Illegal dumping is a problem that makes one person’s garbage another person’s problem. It also can affect wild life, our environment, and just make our city look bad. By hiring A Man & A Truck for your junk removal needs, you know your items are being disposed of properly and not littered into the city streets.